Yorktown-Diamond-Thistle Lodge 555 F. & A.M.

Making Good Men Better

54 Main Street, Tarrytown, NY 10591


Welcome to Our Lodge

Chartered on 07/03/2019 by the Grand Lodge of New York, Yorktown-Diamond-Thistle Lodge #555 F. & A.M., is a Masonic Lodge in Tarrytown, New York. Yorktown-Diamond-Thistle #555 is part of FIRST WESTCESTER-PUTNAM District


While only  Chartered in 2019 Yorktown Diamond Thistle Lodge has a rich history foundation as it is a conglomeration of Diamond Thistle Lodge (charted in 1865) and Yorktown Lodge #1154 (Chartered in 1957)

Mission Statement

Yorktown Diamond Thistle Lodge #555 Masonic Lodge is to foster brotherhood, integrity, and lifelong learning among our members. Through our commitment to the principles of Freemasonry, we aim to promote personal growth, charitable endeavors, and community service. With a focus on moral and intellectual development, we strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment that inspires individuals to lead virtuous and meaningful lives. Together, we work towards building a better society through the values of fellowship, truth, and enlightenment.

Masonic Beliefs

Mankind was created by one God.
This one God is the author of all life.
God’s existence is revealed to man through faith
and the Book of Holy Scriptures.
The Book of Holy Scriptures is the Ultimate Authority
or Great Light of Freemasonry.
The soul of man is immortal
Man’s commitment to Divine Providence determines his destiny
Man’s reverence for God is best exemplified by
his actions toward his fellow man.
Considering the universality of Freemasonry, its teachings cannot
be defined in any single statement or established profile. The
following is considered to be representative of its fundamental
precepts and constitutes basic

About Freemasonry

Freemasonry is the oldest, largest and most charitable men’s fraternal organization in the world.

Freemasonry teaches the universal principle of unselfish
friendship and promotes those moral precepts which are in
keeping with all great faiths.